Senior Software Engineer @ Splunk

Prague, Praha

Must-have Qualifications

  • 3+ years experience with Java.
  • Bachelors degree in the computer science field.
  • Advanced English.
  • Passion for solving complex problems and exploring new technologies.
  • Independence in work and responsible decision making.

Nice-to-have Qualifications

We’ve taken special care to separate the must-have qualifications from the nice-to-haves. “Nice-to-have” means just that: Nice. To. Have. So, don’t worry if you can’t check off every box. We’re not hiring a list of bullet points–we’re interested in the whole you.

  • Agile development
  • CI / CD tools
  • SQL databases
  • Kubernetes, Docker
  • Observability (Open Telemetry, Prometheus, Jaeger)
  • Adaptability
  • Strong communication skills, verbal and written
  • Openness for working in an unstructured environment

Splunk, a Cisco company, is building a safer and more resilient digital world with an end-to-end full stack platform made for a hybrid, multi-cloud world. Leading enterprises use our unified security and observability platform to keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Our customers love our technology, but its our caring employees that make Splunk stand out as an amazing career destination. No matter where in the world or what level of the organization, we approach our work with kindness. So bring your work experience, problem-solving skills and talent, of course, but also bring your joy, your passion and all the things that make you, you. Come help organizations be their best, while you reach new heights with a team that has your back.

Role Summary

Are you interested in being part of the full stack team tasked to build the next-generation Commerce Platform? The platform handles significant parts of the buying process for the Splunk Observability portfolio, which is a crucial area for the customer experience! The main goal of our team is to provide data to help users of the Splunk AppDynamics product offering understand their license utilization and make confident decisions based on it.As such, we are responsible for:

  1. Keeping track of license usage data and license enforcement.
  2. Reporting of license entitlement and usage data in the customer-facing UI.
  3. Constantly innovating and influencing the product strategy.

We deliver features that customers value and can directly use. We want to build on those relationships and improve our commerce domain incrementally. We are standing in front of the strong vision of integrating commerce features within the Splunk portfolio, and we need you to help us make them a reality!

Splunk, a Cisco company, is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected basis.

,[Craft and implement new backend features., Contribute to maintaining our build system, robust codebase, tests and development process., Follow software development best practices., Participate in code reviews and team discussions., Drive development, delivery, and ongoing engineering routine., Work in an agile environment and follow scrum practices., Operate services in production., Collaborate with other teams., Hybrid work flexibility.] Requirements: Java, CI/CD, SQL, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus Additionally: Sport subscription, Private healthcare, International projects, Well-being benefit, Long term cash plan, ESPP, Additional days off, Life insurance, No dress code.



  • Podrobné informace o nabídce práce
    Firma: Splunk
    Lokalita: Praha
    Odvětví práce: fullstack
    Pracovní pozice: Senior Software Engineer @ Splunk
    Směnnost práce fulltime - 40 hours per week
    Nástup do práce od: IHNED
    Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
    Nabídka přidána: 11. 3. 2025
    Pracovní pozice aktivní
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Práce Senior Software Engineer @ Splunk: Často kladené otázky

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