Product support specialist – medical devices Hungarian

Praha hl.m.

Požadavky: We are looking for HUNGARIAN (plus english) speaker who enjoys communication, has empathy and wants to be part of really nice and friendly team!!!

Product support specialist – medical devices

Is the official name of the role and our client is respected international company in health care industry. Corona virus didn‘ t stop them, on the contrary, so you don’t have to worry about stability or future. They count on you to stay.

Your main task will be to support (phone, email) not only patients, but also doctors or other medical workers, who might need help, advice, or have request regarding the product – medical devices. You will also be responsible for dealing with issues or problems, including communication with other departments in the company (e.g. technicians). Of course, there is administration part to the job as well.

What is expected from the ideal candidate?

Fluent knowledge of hungarian as well as very good knowledge of english

Previous experience in customer/product support is huge advantage

Very good communication skills

Empathy, being able to talk to sensitive clients

Being able to work flexible hours (7am-8pm, 8hours day)

What will you get in return?

Stability of respected and well establihed health care company

Really friendly and supportive team

Homeoffice option

Using your languages on daily bases

Perspective for the future

Amazing benefit package

Sounds pretty good? Send me your CV and I will be happy to guide you through the process!

  • Podrobné informace o nabídce práce
    Lokalita: Praha hl.m.
    Pracovní pozice: Product support specialist – medical devices Hungarian
    Nástup do práce od: IHNED
    Nabízená mzda: 35000 - 40000 Kč za měsíc
    Nabídka přidána: 12. 3. 2025
    Pracovní pozice aktivní
Odpovědět na inzerát
    Buďte první, kdo se na danou nabídku práce přihlásí!
Zajímavé nabídky práce v okolí:
Praha - Peridot s.r.o. | 150 Kč - 170 Kč
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Praha - MAVUE PARIS s.r.o. | 150 Kč - 200 Kč
RECEPČNÍ od 160,- Kč/ hod
Praha - TOP security s.r.o. | 160 Kč - 190 Kč
Skladník - 160Kč/hod

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Praha - 21 Consult Group s.r.o. | 140 Kč - 170 Kč
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Praha - Protecton, s.r.o. | 133 Kč - 133 Kč
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Praha - Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s. | 135 Kč - 500 Kč
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Práce Product support specialist – medical devices Hungarian: Často kladené otázky

👉 V jakém městě se nabízí nabídka práce Product support specialist – medical devices Hungarian?

Práce je nabízena v lokalitě Praha hl.m..

👉 Jaká je nabízená mzda na této pozici?

Nabízená mzda je 35000 - 40000 Kč za měsíc.

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