Min. požadované vzdělání: ÚSO s maturitou (bez vyučení)
Počet pracovních míst: 1
Pracovněprávní vztah: Pracovní poměr - zkrácený úvazek
Vhodnost pracovního místa pro typy zaměstnanců: Zdravé osoby
Nabízená mzda: 35 000 - 45 000 Kč/měsíc
Sedlinská Petra, e-mail: " You have a business school degree or equivalent experience o You have practical work experience in a company, which will be considered as an asset o You are fluent in English (spoken and written), command of French and/or German is considered an asset. Working knowledge of Ukrainian, Bulgarian or Estonian appreciated o You have excellent organization skills, ability to carry out a number of tasks at the same time o You have excellent writing and communication skills o You have good computer skills, including the willingness to learn how to use new tools. o You have a creative approach to problem solving o You have the ability to work proactively, independently and flexibly