IT Support Specialist - L1&L2 technical support

Hlavní město Praha, Praha

Famous and world-known japanese multinational corporate with headquarter in Tokyo - The company is active in a range of industries, including digital systems, power and renewable energy solutions, railway systems, healthcare products, and financial systems - and we are actively hiring - for the role of IT Support Specialist L1&L2 - the role is for a candidates with a starting experience from IT industry or skilled IT technicians.

  • Responsible for troubleshooting IT related issues that require physical attention
  • Deliver computers in a ‘ready to use’ state to IT users
  • Perform regular inventory checks for relevant hardware
  • Manage logistics by using local logistic providers to ship and move devices across locations
  • Provide support to end users, IT equipment, software in meeting rooms and similar user collaboration/common areas as part of desk-side support
  • Host and support third party technicians
  • Regular checks of computer rooms including temperature, air conditioning, cabling and general functionality
  • Follow given OSS governance (participate in meetings, follow escalation path, etc.)

  • Analytical and communication skills
  • Problem solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Incident responding skills
  • Learning agility
  • Testing
  • Customer focus, very good English (use on a daily basis)

Tools - Service Now, MS Office 365, Windows, iOS, Asset management tools

  • During your work with us, we will train you and provide you with Sigma or ITIL certification
  • Fulltime employment, long-term cooperation
  • Career traning and development
  • English using on a daily basis
  • Nice payment conditions + benefits
  • Location Prague or Brno (office work is required - onsite)
  • Working time from Monday - Friday - 8.00 - 16.00 h. (no extra shifts or emergency calls)
  • Only for EU citizens or candidates with free entrance to the Czech labor market

  • Podrobné informace o nabídce práce
    Firma: MANPOWER
    Lokalita: Praha
    Odvětví práce: Development & Engineering
    IT správa
    Zákaznický servis
    Pracovní pozice: IT Support Specialist - L1&L2 technical support
    Nástup do práce od: IHNED
    Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
    Nabídka přidána: 11. 3. 2025
    Pracovní pozice aktivní
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Podívejte se na další nabídky práce

Práce IT Support Specialist - L1&L2 technical support: Často kladené otázky

👉 V jakém městě se nabízí nabídka práce IT Support Specialist - L1&L2 technical support?

Práce je nabízena v lokalitě Praha.

👉 Jaká firma nabírá na tuto pozici?

Tato nabídka práce je do firmy MANPOWER.

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Pokud hledáte další podobné nabídky práce, podívejte se na aktuální pracovní místa Praha - Development & Engineering
IT správa
Zákaznický servis