Welcome to the Jungle - Kariérní průvodce

Group Leader of Operating Platform


Popis pozice
Your favourite drink? Regardless of what it is - it could well be that it was manufactured with the aid of our **digitalization solutions**.

Why? Because Konplan is a proud part of Krones.digital - an international community of **technology enthusiasts** within the Krones Group. We are all united by one great mission: to lead the beverage and food industry into a **sustainable future** and to **optimize production** wherever there is still room for improvement.

How do we achieve this? With people who are **passionate** about their ideas and want to **build something big together**. With a managing director with whom you are on first name terms. With creative freedom and an inspiring working environment. And last but not least: with really **wonderful people**.

Become part of our Krones.digital community and support us as Group Leader of Operating Platform!

**Your tasks**

1. Provide leadership and direction to a team of software developers focused on .NET and AWS technologies.

2. Collaborate with cross-functional, international teams, including product management 
and design, to define product requirements and development goals - with the primary goal of establishing, shaping and developing the Krones Line of the Future.

3. Align with Krones.digital management to set and achieve company goals.

4. Implement best practices in software development, including Agile methodologies, continuous integration, and continuous deployment (CI/CD).

5. Guide the team in adopting and integrating new AWS services and .NET technologies 
to optimize and enhance existing applications.

6. Conduct regular code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

7. Facilitate communication and collaboration within the team, as well as with external stakeholders, to ensure alignment of goals and expectations.

8. Monitor team performance, provide mentoring and coaching, and identify areas for professional growth and development.

9. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements in AWS and .NET technologies, and share knowledge with the team.


1. Provide leadership and direction to a team of software developers focused on .NET and cloud technologies.

2. Collaborate with cross-functional, international teams, including product management 
and design, to evaluate product requirements and derive development approaches - with the primary goal of establishing, shaping and developing the Krones Line of the Future.

3. Align with Krones.digital management to set and achieve company goals.

4. Facilitate communication and collaboration within the team, as well as with external stakeholders, to ensure alignment of goals and expectations.

5. Identify areas for professional growth and development, provide mentoring and monitor individual and team performance.

6. Ensure the integration and administration of your team into the international Krones.digital community.


1. Guide the team in adopting and integrating new .NET and cloud technologies to optimize and enhance existing applications.

2. Conduct regular code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

3. Implement best practices in software development, including Agile methodologies, continuous integration, and continuous deployment (CI/CD).

4. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements in .NET and cloud technologies, and share knowledge with the team.

Detaily o pracovním místě:
Firma: Konplan
Lokalita: Plzeň
Pracovní pozice: Group Leader of Operating Platform
Směnnost práce FULL_TIME
Nástup do práce od: IHNED
Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
Nabídka přidána: 22. 3. 2024
Pracovní pozice aktivní
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